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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Renovating - Is it Fattening by Julie Ann Hind

For several years I renovated properties for profit. It started when we were about to start building our house and my husband said we should buy a small place and renovate it, instead of renting. After I picked myself up of the floor and restrained myself from laughing, I thought it was crazy but financially smart. So the renovating began and continued with several other properties. Of course, I would not recommend building and renovating at the same time to any sane person.

During those years of renovating I always found it strange that I would put on weight instead of losing weight. I was certainly exerting enough energy. When I say I was renovating it was not a case of directing the tradesmen, I did the majority of the work and only called in a tradesmen when necessary. So why the weight gain?

With all the energy being used I did increase my appetite substantially. I needed food to create some energy so I could get through the work. Of course, the favourite craving was for something sugary - something to give you that boost. I did eventually learn that protein was my friend and a chicken and salad sandwich for lunch was better than a peanut paste sandwich.

At the end of the day after renovating, checking on the new house and usually arguing with the building supervisor (whose favourite saying was "Can you live with it?" to which I would answer "I want what is on the plans and in the contract" - but I digress). So at the end of the day I was exhausted physically and thanks to the difficult building supervisor emotionally. And then there is dinner to be prepared. I must confess Dominoes Pizza knew our address very well - too well. But it is hard to cook for your family when you just want to sleep. And forget the idea of any additional exercise - you would think climbing up and down a ladder all day was enough.

Perhaps the final factor in the weight gain was simply stress. Renovating can be a very stressful experience. Your home is chaotic and messy, there are thousands of decisions to be made, tradesmen to deal with and so much work to do. And stress makes you put on weight. When stressed the body can increase the levels of cortisol and result in weight gain, especially around the abdomen. This sounds like a better excuse than too much pizza.

The most difficult room to renovate is the kitchen. Not only do you have all the difficulties already mentioned with renovating but now you have nowhere to cook, wash dishes, store your food and crockery etc. It is extremely inconvenient. Of course, it is the perfect excuse to eat out every night or have take way. You can see those inches being added to your waistline already.

So is the answer not to renovate? Absolutely not, creating a warm and comfortable home for your family is important. My solution hire tradesmen, preferably even a project manager and let deal with all the problems. It does not eliminate all the issues that can result in weight gain but it does mean your not going to be exhausted and asleep on the couch by 7.30pm.

Have you had a similar experience when renovating?
Join us at Decorating Forum. We would love to chat with you about your renovations, decorating and building your home.

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